The Largest Hospitals in Gulfport, MS: A Closer Look

Discover which hospital holds the title of the largest in Gulfport, MS and learn about the impact of large hospitals on the community.

The Largest Hospitals in Gulfport, MS: A Closer Look

As a healthcare industry expert, I have researched and analyzed the hospitals in Gulfport, MS to determine which one holds the title of the largest. Large hospitals are crucial for providing quality medical care and attracting top medical professionals. After thorough research, it was determined that Garden Park Medical Center is the largest hospital in Gulfport, with 130 beds, specialized departments, and a total square footage of 130,000 square feet. However, other notable hospitals in the area also play a significant role in providing top-notch healthcare to the community.

Greg Menor
Greg Menor

General web enthusiast. Beer buff. Proud internet buff. Subtly charming web ninja. Hipster-friendly musicaholic. Hipster-friendly beer scholar.

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